Growing Conditions

2017 started out cold. Three arctic fronts rolled in, the last one bringing with it temperatures dipping to -10 in the coldest areas. Spring continued colder and wetter than normal, which actually benefited the vines by giving them time to repair tissue damage from the winter cold. By the beginning of June, temperatures warmed nicely but never got too hot. There were only a handful of days that flirted with 100 degrees. The first week of August was slated for above 100 degree days but was saved by a haze that kept temperatures at least 10 degrees cooler. Pick times were right on track and resulted in normal crop size. In terms of quality and flavor, 2017 was a very good year indeed.


Dark scents reminiscent of blue and black fruit are center stage while subtle hints of wood and leather mingle with black licorice and dusty minerality.


Upon tasting, blueberry and blackberry are revisited and earthy notes provide a dense texture with a rich, powerful mouthfeel. Well integrated oak and fruit components lend themselves to surprising acidity and a long, balanced finish.


100% French Oak; 44% New, 56% Neutral


Vineyard: 100% Pepper Bridge Vineyard


June 25th, 2019